Show the price of individual items within a manifest
We have to pass the cost of some items to our partners and although you can see the cost of the full manifest you cant see how much an individual item cost within the manifest

Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately the reason pricing is not shown until after the data has been passed to your Royal Mail Online Business Account is because we do not price at item level. Pricing is calculated once an order is manifested into OBA and dependent on the products you have ordered, OBA calculates if the volumes you are posting on that day meet any volume related discount criteria, and for some products Click & Drop calculates your end of day average weight so to display a price could be misleading and not be the price you are charged at the end of the day.
We are looking into options for giving some indicative pricing, but due to the current pricing and discount options within the various products customers could post on, this may not be possible. In the interim, you have end of day pricing visible in the manifest area of Click & Drop and you also have access to the OBA reporting suite to drill into any line item data.
Thank you,
Click & Drop Support