Show Username in Dashboard and Header
Can you please look into having the username clearly visible on the Dashboard of the Click and Drop Accounts. As a large Mailing House and since the swtich off of STL/SD1/T24 etc on OBA, we now have access to 12 C&D accounts, all with different end billing account numbers. This number is growing each week. We really need the username/account name to be visble somewhere on the Dashboard as we are alwasy swapping bewtween these accounts and it is very easy to genrate an order on the wrong account. It has already happended and we now have to go through a credit application. I can see this was suggested in 2020 but it looks like it was not progressed.

Thank you for your suggestion and feedback. We are looking into the ability to add multiple accounts to a single login. We are hoping this availably from later this year or early next year.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support