Make it easier to find out how much one has been charged for each item
It is far too difficult to find out how much one has actually been charged for an item. If it is on the system at all it is not easy to find.
It is very frustrating

Cassie75 commented
we use tracked 48 for Large Letter and Parcels. We were told at the beginning of the contract how much each would cost for the year, but when you add in Fuel Surcharges, green surcharges (which is due to go up by 25% 31.03.25) and Peak Surcharges the price is very different.
It is impossible to find out online what each item actually costs so we keep a spreadsheet (downloaded from RM export in click and drop) to see exactly what we posted out and to whom.We also have to keep to a low percentage sent to "outer" postcosts like the chanel islands, northern island, parts of scotland etc. or they could up our rate at any time. SO that excel sheet becomes very important to filter those postcodes and check the percentages. If we used RM24 we couldn't send to ANY of those postcodes!! So much for a set price for all of the UK.
But back to the original posters problem, yes it is very difficult to find out a price, even before we went on this tracked contract, doing your own records is essential as it picks up the odd over charge which we have had. -
Joanna Dite commented
I logged on here today to propose the same. Why are we not seeing what we are being charged for each item/label we print before we purchase it? It should be visible on the click and drop interface. Including all the bonkers surcharges now implemented.
Alexei Krasnov commented
This guy is a genius! Yes, please. It takes too much effort to decipher Royal Mail's invoice