WooCommerce Orders Are Importing with 'Unrecognised' Country.
When orders made via WooCommerce transfer over to Click & Drop, the county names are not displayed, and instead it shows the ISO codes provided by WooCommerce.
This request is to have these codes mapped to the county names to enable addresses to be complete and correct to avoid undelivered orders.

romeo b commented
Just to clarify, are you talking about State/County, or Country?
We are talking about State/County.
All the ISO lookup things I've seen seem to relate to COUNTRY.
Eg: Greece = GR, Spain = ES. etc.
But our issue is the State/County.
romeo b commented
We have also have this issue, ongoing, and mainly affects Greek orders, but also notice it now affecting Spanish orders.
When someone buys from our website and specify "Attica" as their Greek "State/County", this somehow ends up as just the letter "I" on that field, so when the label is generated, it's incorrect.
We also noticed it doing it on certain Spain orders, where "Cantabria" was supplied via WooCommerce as the State/County, but Click and Drop interprets this as "S". Therefore, again, incorrect data on the label, leading to non-delivery of this item.
We submitted a Click + Drop support request today (reference 211207-013261 in case anyone here from RM is cross referencing) complete with evidence from multiple orders, including screenshots of the customers' data / information provided by WooCommerce TO Royal Mail, Royal Mail's interpretation of this information, and the subsequently incorrect dispatch label.. but this is definitely a big issue and largely gone unnoticed until we trawl through undelivered items and returns.
This really needs addressing. The WooCommerce data is correct, so this can only be the RM side of things scraping the data into C+D.
I don't know if this is the same as your query re the name mapping or ISO etc as I'm unfamiliar with that, but it sure sounds related.
It is a big problem and means dispatched items end up returned, undelivered or delayed due to address having to be triple-checked by overseas courier.