Pick List / Despatch Notes for non OBA customers
I fall in between two stools. I am a limited company trading successfully since 2016 but for some inexplicable reason RM will not give me an OBA account (Pitney Bowes and all the other competitors were fine with me having an account, so I am totally bemused).
Anyway, I own many stores and have successfully integrated several of them with C&D. I see an OBA customer can generate despatch notes (https://help.parcel.royalmail.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002652473-Scan-Print-Online-Business-Account-customers-), but again for some inexplicable reason non OBA customers cannot. This would save me so much time going to each individual website and store and printing individual despatch notes - PLEASE, PLEASE Royal Mail copy and paste this function (being a little facetious :)) for non OBA customers.
Also, as I have hundreds of products, I would truly be a marvel of the age if you could allow a function on both New Orders and Orders Ready for Printing to generate a simple "Pick List" as a PDF or CSV download so I could send through to my warehouse to bring these goods to despatch.
Lotsa love on the work done so far.

Hello, despatch notes are already available for non OBA customers, please review your Label Settings in Click & Drop.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team