Future dating batches broken
Since the new update you cannot future date batches, you have to reset the postage that is applied and set the future date when you manually reapply it.
I have my click n drop set up to automatically apply the postage to my items based on stored weight and size, before the update you could future date these batches of orders Now you have to reset the postage to future date it.
what is the point of automatically applying postage if you cannot future date it, this update is a step back not forward please fix this issue its adding hours extra to my business day

Thank you for your feedback.
At the moment, you can only future date orders when manually applying postage. If you have shipping rules applying postage to your orders, you will need to reset them back to 'New' state, or reapply postage in order to apply a future despatch date.
This functionality was not changed with the implementation of the new Batches page.
If you are still encountering issues, please contact our support team and provide some example orders so we can look into this further: https://help.parcel.royalmail.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115003806094-Contact-Support