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  1. Manual pull of orders for integrations (eBay, Amazon)

    Manual Pull for Integrations e.g. eBay, Amazon, Shipify etc...

    Have a button that will force order pull.......

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  2. Overwrite existing product data: Not updating...

    Overwrite existing product data: Not updating... Can this be looked at as there seems to be an issue with this?

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    Thank you for your feedback.

    Our testers have been unable to reproduce this issue.

    Please ensure that the Product identifier (SKU) of the old and the new product are matching when trying to overwrite data.

    If you are having any further issues with this, please contact Click & Drop Support.

    Kind regards,

    Click & Drop Team

  3. Please decrease refresh time for eBay orders or add an refresh button!

    Please shorten the refresh interval for the requests sent to eBay. Since you are using the paid eBay API, why are the requests so infrequent? It is currently set to 5 or 10 minutes; please reduce it to at least 60 seconds. Alternatively, add a refresh button to allow quicker retrieval of orders from eBay.

    Additionally, a dashboard with a hot reload feature would be ideal for Royal Mail. This would allow us to see incoming orders immediately without needing to refresh the page. Implementing this would likely require libraries like Vue.js or React. As a developer myself, I believe…

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  4. Bug - Click & Drop "County" field not generating on labels

    When generating labels from an order, the "County" field is now ignored and not present on the label whatsoever. I assume this is an error with the latest update and should be present as it must surely help the sorting offices?


    Address from eBay/orders shows as:

    John Smith
    Road Name
    CM1 2AB

    but label now omits "Essex" completely, so it's showing as:

    John Smith
    Road Name
    CM1 2AB

    This can't be right, surely?

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    Thank you for your feedback.

    The 'County' field was removed from labels as it is not a mandatory address field and is not needed for your post to be delivered successfully. This was done in order to make Royal Mail labels tidier and easier to read.

    We assure you the county not being displayed on the label will not affect the delivery of your shipments.

    Kind regards,

    Click & Drop Team

  5. Stop automatically manifesting orders after business hours

    It is currently 01/11/23 at 19:27, and my orders which I printed around 30 minutes ago have been automatically manifested.

    Why are they being manifested after business hours?

    People like myself who do not have any time to complete orders earlier in the day have to deal with customer service emailing me threatening to add extra fees. If you do not offer an after-hours service, don't bother to force this upon people. It makes no sense.

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  6. Add claims function for deliveries that go missing

    Add function so that when a delivery is lost that the claim can be done easily. For example when a delivery is still showing as 'We've got it' and it's over 7 days past it's expected delivery date. We should be able to make a claim through the portal we purchased that service from ie Click and Drop.
    This would avoid filling in duplicate information through the claim forms online.

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  7. Future dating batches broken

    Since the new update you cannot future date batches, you have to reset the postage that is applied and set the future date when you manually reapply it.

    I have my click n drop set up to automatically apply the postage to my items based on stored weight and size, before the update you could future date these batches of orders Now you have to reset the postage to future date it.

    what is the point of automatically applying postage if you cannot future date it, this update is a step back not forward please fix this issue its adding…

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    Thank you for your feedback.

    At the moment, you can only future date orders when manually applying postage. If you have shipping rules applying postage to your orders, you will need to reset them back to 'New' state, or reapply postage in order to apply a future despatch date. 

    This functionality was not changed with the implementation of the new Batches page.

    If you are still encountering issues, please contact our support team and provide some example orders so we can look into this further:

  8. Add a functionality to delete orders by batch number from the batches view

    Add a functionality to delete orders by batch number from the batches view. Allowing for quick deletion of a batch that has been imported in error at any any point in the day.

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    You can 'delete' orders imported via spreadsheet using the 'Undo import' function. Navigate to Orders / Import and clicking the 'Orders import history' button to the top right of the data-grid. Then, selecting the appropriate batch, use the 'Undo Import' function.

  9. Product Image on invoice

    Hi, could you please add a product image to the invoice? This way, instead of printing from the Amazon or eBay website, we can print directly from Click and Drop, and the labels will print along with the invoices in the correct order. We sell personalised items, and it is very difficult to pick and pack without an image on the invoice.

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  10. Invoice adjustments

    When you apply an adjustment charge on an invoice, I can't see what parcel it relates to.

    Please add the ability to relate adjustment charges to shipments.

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  11. Tracking status column under dispatched stopped working

    Tracking status column on Reports / Manifested orders and Orders/Order Overview/Manifested orders stopped reporting about July 2023 - It is blank on all since then!

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    Please ensure you have the tracking status column enabled in either 'Manifested orders' or 'Manifested orders report' to see the current tracking status. If you are still encountering problems seeing the tracking status of despatched / manifested shipments, please contact the help desk. 

  12. Export orders with status dispatched by other couriers

    Currently we have to go to each market place and download orders from there and then mark dispatch by other courier in click and drop. If we could export those few orders directly from click and drop it would save lot of time for us. Can you add feature where user can export selected new orders in excel format and then we can mark those orders 'dispatched by other courier'?

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    Thank you for your suggestion. We do not plan to introduce such a feature to Click & Drop.

    Channel Shipper provides all Click & Drop's functionality, plus several significant enhancements, with the output to sheet of despatched by other courier orders on their roadmap for development. 

  13. Untick orders after performing an action

    Hi, Could you make the orders page untick the selected order(s) once an action is performed please? Once we generate a label for an order, we have to untick it before ticking the next order. Normally that's just an annoyance but we've just accidentally deleted 2 orders because the previous one was still ticked. I understand some people may prefer them to stay ticked so maybe you could add an option to set the desired behaviour.

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    Hello and thank you for your suggestion. This feature is designed to expedite the bulk processing of orders. If you are processing a single order at a time there is no need to select the order by its checkbox, making deselecting it unnecessary. Where you have multiple orders selected but wish to deselect them, please use the checkbox control found in the column header.

    Many thanks

    Click & Drop Team 

  14. Add Ability to Manually Trigger Order Import From Magento

    When it's close to post collection time, and we get a new order in Magento, no matter how many times I refresh the click and drop screen, or if I log out and back in the order does not appear quickly enough. I assume it auto updates at set times in the background - a manual refresh option would be really helpful

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  15. Support IOSS on Letter Format Shipments

    Small items of value that are sold by small businesses in the UK (through platforms such as Etsy) and sent to the EU have to be posted as a large letter in order to meet IOSS rules because Royal Mail does not print IOSS on a letter sized envelope.

    Printing IOSS on a letter would save EU customers who have paid VAT at the point of ordering from paying VAT once again on receipt of the package This is more expensive than it needs to be for both parties because items such as a greeting card, a small pack of…

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    Unfortunately, due to international customs requirements and regulations, IOSS is not supported on letter formats. We therefore treat this format as used for personal correspondence only and not for sale of products.

    Large letters and parcels are IOSS eligible and so these are the formats that should be used when your shipment requires electronic customs and IOSS.

  16. Add an option to Automatically upload ref numbers to online market places

    Add an option to automatically upload the ref number above the QR Code from standard untracked services to marketplaces such as etsy and ebay.

    For example Etsy require a tracking/ ref number to meet the star seller. The ref number above the QR Code on standard 1st and 2nd Class letters are satisfactory but currently we are having to manually add these numbers to etsy otherwise we are penalised for not adding the number.

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    Hello, thank you for your suggestion. We already offer the ability to upload these numbers to Etsy, please ensure you have 'Upload delivery confirmation to channel' enabled in your integration settings. Please note that not all of these numbers are valid for the requirements of Etsy, eBay, Amazon or other channels; we only upload them where they meet the specifications of the marketplace as otherwise it will negatively impact your rating. If a number has not been uploaded to your sales channel, this number is not valid for confirmation of delivery and you are responsible for providing tracking data to your sales channel.

    Many thanks

    Click & Drop Team 

  17. Display prices before transaction is completed

    Please can you confirm the cost of a transaction on Click & Drop before it is completed. It is very frustrating to complete something and find it is cheaper to send the parcel via a Send an Item.

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  18. Weight incrememnt buttons

    In your beta, where you enter the weight, put the little arrows back so you can adjust with the mouse, not just by using keyboard

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    Hi, thank you for your comment. We have not made any changes to our beta relating to weight controls. Browser zoom can occasionally cause elements of a webpage to disappear; please review your browsers zoom settings. If you are still encountering difficulties, please contact the helpdesk. 

    Many thanks

    Click & Drop Team

  19. page not found

    i have a bookmark on my browser for click and drop which opens

    Recently every time i click the link to login it goes to the login page, i fill in my details, it logs in and then goes to a "page not found" page.

    I can get to the click and drop dashboard by clicking the bookmark again but it is beginning to get a bit annoying.

    I used to have another bookmark which went to the address book page as that is where i always want to start with click and drop but that started doing the…

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  20. Work with Amazon to allow OBA users to send standard letters on their accounts

    Amazon are making sellers pay for standard 1st & 2nd Class letters directly on Amazon otherwise it goes against our VTR Rates, which means we are not able to use our OBA Accounts and therefore paying more for standard letters with some sellers not meeting the yearly spend with Royal Mail and losing their free business collections.

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