Bold Print for more than 1 qty ordered for an item
Prior to last release, any item that was ordered with a quantity more than 1, was shown in Bold. This has now disappeared. This was a very useful for order packing to ensure the right quantity is sent.
Can you please reinstate this functionality.

Dear User,
We can confirm that the despatch note will transform product lines to bold text where there is more than 1 unit.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
Anonymous commented
Bold and underline also would be handy. The previous bold wasn't even that clear
Anonymous commented
Completely agree - making it clearer for multiple items is key.
Dave Clarke commented
Please fix this - I didn't notice the change and mispacked several orders this week.
Russ commented
totally agree, was easier to tell if there was a multiple quantity and now makes it harder for now reason.
Also agree on the other comment with the shortening of the SKU.
Seems odd to roll back to previous version of labels when creating the new style, as these were probably added at some point to make life easier for us, but no one had the forethought to keep them on the new labels.
Perhaps this comes from the one whom does the making are not also using it in a real world scenario -
Anonymous commented
Why change something that is not broke ?
Also the sku label has been shortened why why why ???
Amar Ellahi commented
I have made so many mistakes after the bold writting disappeared:(
Anonymous commented
yes it was nice and very useful