69 results found
Include Stock Location on Order Details
It would be very helpful to add the Stock Location to the order details screen. Currently if you want to make use of the Stock Location entry in the product data, you have to browse each product to find the location which isn't a very helpful workflow.
2 votesThank you for your suggestion. We will consider it for future development.
Import VOEC & Other Customs Scheme Details
VOEC number for Norway or other VAT system scheme's should automatically be pulled through from eBay / Amazon etc integration with their unique number, similar to how the IOSS number is pulled through.
5 votesThank you for your suggestion. We are expanding the range of data we consume from our third party integrations; we will consider VOEC and other Pre Registration Schemes as a part of these changes.
Automatically import images from marketplaces!
PLEASE make it so images import from marketplaces (eBay, Amazon etc) to help prevent mistakes when sending incorrect items etc. I don't know why this isn't the case already. Uploading a CSV is not viable for most.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. We will consider it for a future release.
Please add the delivered DATE to the manifested orders status column.
At the moment, the tracking status for delivered items just shows as 'delivered', but it does not show the actual delivered date.
This would be so useful for an overview and finding out delivered date results for things like ebay cases.
22 votesThank you for your suggestion. We will consider this of future development.
Support Adding Credit to Accounts to Reduce Card Payments
Have the abililty to pre load the account with funds so that we don't have to authorise a credit card transaction or paypal transaction every time we produce a label
25 votesHi and thank you for your suggestion. We are considering ways to support payments without having to supply your card details for each transaction.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Put 'Customer Name' in Bold Font on the Orders Grid
Up until recently, the pending order list displayed the customer name in a bold font, making it easy to see each customer at a glance. As of this week, the bold has been removed, blending all the information and making identifying customers at a glance very difficult.
Please reinstate the bolt font for the customer name; it makes no sense to remove it. Thank you.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. We will consider this change for an upcoming release.
Enable a Remember Me Login Option
Please enable a Remember Me auto login function.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion.
This is currently under consideration as we review the best and safest way to implement this feature.
Kind regards,
Click & Drop Team
Click & Drop Desktop Forgets Password
The latest updates to Click & Drop desktop randomly forgets your password when the app starts up.
It may be related to Click & Drop Desktop updating, or Windows updates, however it never used to happen and is very annoying when you rely on the service being on!
5 votesHi, thank you for your message, We will investigate how log in behaviours are working in our new version of desktop and update here in due course. If you find this issue recurring, please contact the help desk so that we can investigate further.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Tracking/delivery confirmation for letters
Any chance we could see click and drop have 'letters' included with tracking/delivery confirmation in the future? (not just large letters and parcels).
At the moment, a marketplace such as Etsy won't add tracking details for customers (via click and drop) that purchase orders though us (that are sent with the 'letter' size).
We send many letter size shipments daily and it's a shame that they don't count towards Etsy's tracking system.
3 votesDelivery confirmations have been extended to cover a greater number of non-tracked services and formats, and we will continue to review the services and formats we can offer delivery confirmations for.
Collections Statuses Aren't Always Updated
The status of a Collection doesn't always update properly. I have several of collections that were collected but in my account appears as awaiting collection. One of them was collected, but appears as 'Attempted', and the email said the item wasn't available for collection, so now I don't have any proof of postage for an international shipping.
Please fix this. thank you.2 votesWe are considering improvements to collections in upcoming releases. Thank you for your suggestion.
Add Ability to Adjust The Column Widths On Order Details Table
Currently, when you expand 'Order Details' to see a table of the contents of the order, the columns have fixed, uniform widths.
There's no way to adjust them manually, and no text wrapping, so if the contents of one cell is too long, it gets cut off and there's no way to read it.
Having all the columns uniform/the same width means that there are big spaces around the 'Quantity' and 'Price' fields (which are generally only a few characters long), and then 'Product name' is squeezed into the same width and cut off.
4 votesThank you for your suggestion. We will consider this for future development.
Store National Identification Numbers in Address Book
When sending items to certain countries, we are expected to enter the national identification number for the recipient
a) Should this be a mandatory field and prevent applying the postage if not completed?
b) Once entered, it should be stored with the address book entry for that customer, as it will always be needed for them!2 votesWe will consider storing Addressee Identification References and Tax Identification Numbers against address book entries in a future release.
Support searching for partial order numbers
Hi, when searching for an order number it is only possible to search for the full number but not partial numbers. As you are adding a # in front of imported order numbers, that makes it possible to use a barcode scanner to search for an order (order number in C&D: #12345,barcode Scanner delivers 12345, C&D search shows no results)
6 votesHello and thank you for your suggestion. We will consider adding the ability to search for partial order numbers and other order identifiers.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
1 vote
We will consider this request for future development.
Add integration with The Range
The Range is becoming a good platform for us - we need an integration
1 voteWe will consider this for future development.
Add Product Images to Picking Slips
Is it possible to have images on the picking slip from Shopify when it arrives in the click and drop list so w can print the picking slips and see the image of the product?
1 voteThank you for your suggestion, we will consider this for future development.
Allow me to edit my Collection address
At the moment I can only use the address as returned by your address look up, I cannot make any amendments to the address after I have selected it. I would like to add my house number in addition to the name, as my house is moiré readily identified by number.
Alternatively, add the ability to provide some instructions for a collection address.
1 vote -
Adding 'Product name' to Manifested Orders report
Can we add "Product name" column to the XLS export? It would vastly help to understand quantities of certain product shipped in a period of time
2 votesThank you for your suggestion. We will consider adding 'Product Name' to the Manifested Order Report in a future release.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Pull Shopify Fulfillments for Shopify Subscription renewals
The C&D Shopify integration needs to be updated to pull in shipments for both new Order and Fulfilment events to work with Shopify's new Subscription APIs.
We are using the Shopify subscription APIs on our shop and when a subscription is renewed, Shopify adds a fulfilment to the existing order, they DO NOT create a new order. So none of the subscription renewals are being sent through to Click & Drop.
Would it be possible for you to update your integration to cover this so that you are pulling in the data for both Order events and Fullfillment events in…
13 votesHello, thank you for your suggestion. We will consider if we can support subscription orders from Shopify.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
Support More Label & Document Sizes
Have different options for label size and layout to suit common thermal label sizes, particularly for letter small parcel click and drop. If QR code has to be particular size consider having on separate label.
3 votesHello, thank you for your suggestion. We will consider this for future development.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
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