Allowed to select "Parcel" and "RM48 LBT"
I have been incurring penalties for RM48 LBT parcels. An investigation has uncovered that I do not have RM48 parcel service, only Large Letter, but I have been allowed to choose size "parcel" and service "TRS48" which is a large letter ONLY band thus incurring a £1 penalty for every parcel.

Hello, thank you for your suggestion. TRS 48 LBT (Letter Box-able Tracked) is available on parcel format to afford you the full 1000g weight limit TRS48 supports. You must still adhere to the service specifications, which for letter box-able includes a weight limit of 1000g, and dimensions matching that of Large Letter. Please speak with your account manager to get the full details of your services specifications. We will consider changes to make these limitations clearer in the future.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team