9 results found
9 votes
Thank you for your suggestion. We plan to introduce a feature to mark orders as despatched upon collection or have otherwise entered the Royal Mail network.
Clear old collections that have been collected
I have a stockpile of old booked collections in my orders. They were collected but, for reasons known only to themselves, the postmen didn't scan them in so they remain on my account. It's just a niggle but these old orders sat there are a bug and there's nothing I can do at my end to remove them.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion.
This work has now been planned in and further updates will be posted on this page.
Kind regards,
Click & Drop Team
Make it easier to see the postage paid on orders
On the new Orders list, there is no option to see the postage paid. Even when you go into the order you no longer see it. It seems the only way to find out is to reprint the shipping label.
2 votesThank you for your suggestion.
Our team will begin working on implementing this feature in the near future. We will update this status when the feature is available in Click & Drop.
Kind regards,
Click & Drop Team
Add extra items collected with my collection to the email confirmation
Add extra items collected with my collection to the email confirmation of what has been collected, so I have proof of posting.
I often want to send extra items with my booked collection. However, the extra items do not appear on the email confirmation of collection. This leaves me without proof of posting. The email should include booked and extra items.
3 votesWe are considering improvements to collection that will ensure you receive confirmation of all packages collected.
Bug: Editing Customer or Product Details Not Reflected In Saved Products & Address Book Entries
When you edit the customer address / product details during create an order, if you delete a line of text, it shows correctly on screen. However, the printed label (and entry in the address book) has the original line of text rather than the blank field.
The only way around this is to edit the address / product data in the address book / product list before creating a new order.
This needs correcting, as I often end up having to request a refund for labels because of this.
3 votesWe are working on improvements on how address book referenced data can be amended as part of an import of orders, or during the create order process.
Add SafePlace for Collections
Add Safeplace option to collection address
9 votesHello, thank you for your suggestion. We are currently working on improvements to our collections process in C&D including capturing SafePlace for collections.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Allow Changing Orders From Despatched to Label Generated
If a user has accidentally moved an order to Despatched, you can no longer book a collection for it.
We batch our collections and purchase these at the end of each day, but if another user has accidentally marked a label as dispatched we cannot add it to the collection for the following day. This means we have to dispatch it using the RM website and as these accounts are not linked, we cannot track this on C&D.
5 votesHello, we have this in plan.
Click & Drop Team
Remove Refunded and Awaiting Refund Labels From Orders Grid
When a postage label is awaiting despatch it can be refunded. This is done when the wrong postage is selected is wrong or the customer cancels their order. The postage label remains at status awaiting refund for a number of days however it remains in the 'orders awaiting despatch' list. You may not want to despatch this order but can accidentally do so in the period it takes for the refund to go through. Could orders awaiting refund not be visible in the 'orders awaiting despatch' list but still be searchable from the drop down lists.
23 votes -
WooCommerce Orders Are Importing with 'Unrecognised' Country.
When orders made via WooCommerce transfer over to Click & Drop, the county names are not displayed, and instead it shows the ISO codes provided by WooCommerce.
This request is to have these codes mapped to the county names to enable addresses to be complete and correct to avoid undelivered orders.
2 votesDear Users, We're sorry you have had some issues with data importing/displaying incorrectly. We will look into this and plan a fix if necessary. Kind regards The Click & Drop Team
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