Remove Refunded and Awaiting Refund Labels From Orders Grid
When a postage label is awaiting despatch it can be refunded. This is done when the wrong postage is selected is wrong or the customer cancels their order. The postage label remains at status awaiting refund for a number of days however it remains in the 'orders awaiting despatch' list. You may not want to despatch this order but can accidentally do so in the period it takes for the refund to go through. Could orders awaiting refund not be visible in the 'orders awaiting despatch' list but still be searchable from the drop down lists.

David J commented
So, this has been planned since July 2022. Possibly it is time for an update.
Meanwhile I would like to know if it is safe to delete an item awaiting refund from the "Order Ready For Despatch" page, or will that cancel the refund request? Does anyone know?
David J commented
This really should have been sorted by now. I don't delete the item awaiting refund in case that deltes the refund request as well. Better to be safe than sorry.
Richard Phillips commented
Exactly the same problem and I see it was first pointed out in March 2021, and yet the same problem persists including with the new beta, which is incredibly confusing. Please do something to remove this defect.
Milly's Cameras commented
After receiving a refund, it somehow ends up in amongst my next list of new orders. I have paid and had the same entry refunded twice now, and I am now waiting on a third refund for the same entry.
May I suggest that once it's refunded, it only remains as an entry for records only.
Julian commented
Why are the deleted and refunded orders/payments going into,'ready for printing' tab when the refund is completed? It is hard to spot them, and many times, we accidentally send the order when we don't want that. So frustrating and costly...please fix this asap
Anonymous commented
It has been over a year since I posted this suggestion and many others are complaining about the issue in other threads. When will a fix be implemented?
Mike commented
Same applies to deleted orders, they then get re imported from ebay
Anonymous commented
When a label refund has been accepted, the order moves back into the 'Orders Ready for Printing' session. If you have orders in there that you haven't purchased yet, this can lead to re-purchasing the refunded label. You may find yourself stuck in the cycle forever 😱
Yvette commented
I think if you select the reason as wrong postage purchased then it's fair to say I want the order available again to re-buy the correct postage label. But if I no longer require the postage label e.g. if the customer cancels the order, etc. then I don't want it to appear to repurchase postage. So perhaps the reasons for requesting the refund are what need to be looked at here.
Mark commented
why are you putting refunded labels back into customers basket ( labels awaiting payment ) ? a dozen times now I have accidentally repurchased a refunded label because I didnt notice it had been re-added to my list of labels awaiting payment ... this just means I have to submit it for refund again creating more work for your staff
Jamie commented
Could I ask, why not? It's a simple fix that provides a better user experience.
Andrew Hill commented
Currently labels for which I am awaiting a refund are shown as 'Paid - Refund pending'. If I attempt to delete as suggested I am told 'This action is only available for orders with a status of 'New''.
So I cannot delete it. If I reset the order and then delete it, will my pending refund still be made?
Mr J commented
This needs urgent attention. I have now applied postage to the same cancelled order 3 times!! I created a click & drop order on 13th June but my customer cancelled it after I had already applied the postage. A week later the order was refunded, but the postage remained applied to the order and I ended up buying the postage AGAIN because the order just appeared out of the blue, mixed in with all of my other orders that are waiting for payment on that day. The e-mail to tell me that the postage has been refunded does not come through until HOURS later. This has now happened three weeks running. Every week the postage is refunded and every week I purchase it again because the order just reappears, then I have to cancel it again just 2 minutes later after I realise that I have more postage labels than packages. I am fed up of it.
Mr J commented
I agree with this too. The refund usually takes about a week, after which the order just reappears for the postage to be applied again, even though you obviously didn't need it. If you don't remember to delete it there is a danger that you will process it again.
Anonymous commented
The amount of times I accidentally fulfil an order that has been marked as awaiting refund and then not been entitled to said refund even though I have never used the label is silly now.
Either the order should be taken away from the ready for dispatch page or blocked from being dispatched completely as it is so easy to accidentally mark as dispatched when you are dealing with a large amount of orders.
Richard commented
I agree with this. Refunded labels are not handled very well by Click and Drop. I have put a separate idea in not to show labels awaiting refund in the Orders Awaiting Despatch section. It is much better to just hide refunded labels and labels awaiting refund from view and just use the drop down lists to search for them if you want to.
Alice commented
Orders that have been refunded end up in the Postage Applied section, which means that I often pay for them again, and then have to refund again. Would it not be better to delete them, or create a separate category like Refunded or such. It's an issue that impacts productivity.
Carolyn Speakman commented
It would be very helpful to be able to filter out labels awaiting refund (in addition to order status - new, label genereated, etc). When processing a large number of orders, I often accidentally set orders awaiting a refund to despatched, and assume this would halt/delay the refund process.