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  1. Show the Service Price / Cost

    With so many product codes, especially for international order why don't we get to see the total charged at the point of applying postage? Many of the product codes aren't on the main price lists and those that are are very confusing.We get the total at the end of the day but no breakdown of what was spent, I can't think of another business that does this

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    Thanks for your suggestion.  Unfortunately the reason pricing is not shown until after the data has been passed to your Royal Mail Online Business Account is because we do not price at item level.  Pricing is calculated once an order is manifested into OBA and dependent on the products you have ordered, OBA calculates if the volumes you are posting on that day meet any volume related discount criteria, and for some products Click & Drop calculates your end of day average weight so to display a price could be misleading and not be the price you are charged at the end of the day.

    We are looking into options for giving some indicative pricing, but due to the current pricing and discount options within the various products customers could post on, this may not be possible.  In the interim, you have end of day pricing visible in the…

  2. Paperless Manifesting

    Instead of printing paper for manifested orders, you could print off a thermal label with a unique 2D barcode for each mailbag that help identify the date, manifest and account holder.

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    Thank you for your suggestion -  This is not something in plan at current, but we will consider in future developments.

    Kind regards

    Click and Drop Support

  3. Stop automatically manifesting orders after business hours

    It is currently 01/11/23 at 19:27, and my orders which I printed around 30 minutes ago have been automatically manifested.

    Why are they being manifested after business hours?

    People like myself who do not have any time to complete orders earlier in the day have to deal with customer service emailing me threatening to add extra fees. If you do not offer an after-hours service, don't bother to force this upon people. It makes no sense.

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  4. Add claims function for deliveries that go missing

    Add function so that when a delivery is lost that the claim can be done easily. For example when a delivery is still showing as 'We've got it' and it's over 7 days past it's expected delivery date. We should be able to make a claim through the portal we purchased that service from ie Click and Drop.
    This would avoid filling in duplicate information through the claim forms online.

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  5. 7 votes

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  6. Support IOSS on Letter Format Shipments

    Small items of value that are sold by small businesses in the UK (through platforms such as Etsy) and sent to the EU have to be posted as a large letter in order to meet IOSS rules because Royal Mail does not print IOSS on a letter sized envelope.

    Printing IOSS on a letter would save EU customers who have paid VAT at the point of ordering from paying VAT once again on receipt of the package This is more expensive than it needs to be for both parties because items such as a greeting card, a small pack of…

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    Unfortunately, due to international customs requirements and regulations, IOSS is not supported on letter formats. We therefore treat this format as used for personal correspondence only and not for sale of products.

    Large letters and parcels are IOSS eligible and so these are the formats that should be used when your shipment requires electronic customs and IOSS.

  7. Overwrite existing product data: Not updating...

    Overwrite existing product data: Not updating... Can this be looked at as there seems to be an issue with this?

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    Thank you for your feedback.

    Our testers have been unable to reproduce this issue.

    Please ensure that the Product identifier (SKU) of the old and the new product are matching when trying to overwrite data.

    If you are having any further issues with this, please contact Click & Drop Support.

    Kind regards,

    Click & Drop Team

  8. Ability to put an order 'on hold'

    Occasionally we need to stop an order from being dispatched for a short period of time. When using Click & Drop as a primary system as we do (i.e. working from Click & Drop rather than our e-commerce platform), there is no way to indicate to whoever is dispatching that the order should not be dispatched yet. The ability to hold an order (essentially setting its status to 'Order on hold' or similar, and needing to release it before a label can be generated) would be extremely useful.

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  9. Product Image on invoice

    Hi, could you please add a product image to the invoice? This way, instead of printing from the Amazon or eBay website, we can print directly from Click and Drop, and the labels will print along with the invoices in the correct order. We sell personalised items, and it is very difficult to pick and pack without an image on the invoice.

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  10. Shipping Rules to work for orders with more than 1 item

    We are a mailing house that picks, packs and despatches for a variety of customers. Lots of those customers have orders that have more than one item. Currently using shipping rules to apply postage only works for orders that have only one item. This means we have a lot of orders that the postage rules will not work for. Please could you fix it so that all orders no matter how many items will have the postage automatically applied when using shipping rules. This will save us so much time. Many thanks Zoe

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  11. Please decrease refresh time for eBay orders or add an refresh button!

    Please shorten the refresh interval for the requests sent to eBay. Since you are using the paid eBay API, why are the requests so infrequent? It is currently set to 5 or 10 minutes; please reduce it to at least 60 seconds. Alternatively, add a refresh button to allow quicker retrieval of orders from eBay.

    Additionally, a dashboard with a hot reload feature would be ideal for Royal Mail. This would allow us to see incoming orders immediately without needing to refresh the page. Implementing this would likely require libraries like Vue.js or React. As a developer myself, I believe…

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  12. Bug - Click & Drop "County" field not generating on labels

    When generating labels from an order, the "County" field is now ignored and not present on the label whatsoever. I assume this is an error with the latest update and should be present as it must surely help the sorting offices?


    Address from eBay/orders shows as:

    John Smith
    Road Name
    CM1 2AB

    but label now omits "Essex" completely, so it's showing as:

    John Smith
    Road Name
    CM1 2AB

    This can't be right, surely?

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    Thank you for your feedback.

    The 'County' field was removed from labels as it is not a mandatory address field and is not needed for your post to be delivered successfully. This was done in order to make Royal Mail labels tidier and easier to read.

    We assure you the county not being displayed on the label will not affect the delivery of your shipments.

    Kind regards,

    Click & Drop Team

  13. Display prices before transaction is completed

    Please can you confirm the cost of a transaction on Click & Drop before it is completed. It is very frustrating to complete something and find it is cheaper to send the parcel via a Send an Item.

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  14. Report for 'New' & 'Ready for printing' orders

    It is possible to export reports in excel format for the despatched and manifested. It will be very useful if it is possible to create an excel report for New and Ready for printing orders.

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  15. Add a "Check for new orders" to the dashboard

    The delay from receiving a new order (e.g. via Amazon or eBay) to being able to process it from the dashboard page is too long. For example with Parcel2Go website I have the ability to "Check for recently sold items" to pull in the latest sales.
    It would be very beneficial for the same capability.

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    Thank you for your suggestion it is appreciated. However this not currently something we are able to complete at present.

    We will continue to make improvements in the future to make the experience more user friendly.

    Kind Regards,

    Click & Drop Support


    Like most users, getting accurate weights means weighing each order and then applying postage. This is not practical. Add a section where packaging weights are added and then applied to orders. I send 1, 2 or 3 items to the same person in the same packaging. This means the stored weights are always wrong. Packaging can be applied to each order automatically to give an accurate overall weight.

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    Dear User,

    Thank you for your suggestion it is appreciated. However this not currently something we are able to complete at present.

    We will continue to make improvements in the future to make the experience more user friendly.

    Kind Regards,

    Click & Drop Support

  17. I would very much appreciate if you could look into providing the option for a sender to store a Default text which would go in the Custom

    I would very much appreciate if you could look into providing the option for a sender to store a Default text which would go in the
    Customer delivery instructions
    field when creating labels in C&D. This could be stored as a Default Setting in the back-end, rather like the IOSS number is now.
    If I could save a comment such as 'please do not leave parcel unattended'
    and if this comment appeared by default on each shipment in the Delivery instructions field, hopefully this might deter the postal delivery worker from simply leaving a parcel behind a bush or near…

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    Dear User,

    Thank you for your suggestion, it is appreciated. However, this is not currently something we are able to complete.

    Please contact Royal Mail if you are experiencing problems with the way in which deliveries are made. 

    Kind Regards,

    Click & Drop Support

  18. Manual pull of orders for integrations (eBay, Amazon)

    Manual Pull for Integrations e.g. eBay, Amazon, Shipify etc...

    Have a button that will force order pull.......

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  19. Export orders with status dispatched by other couriers

    Currently we have to go to each market place and download orders from there and then mark dispatch by other courier in click and drop. If we could export those few orders directly from click and drop it would save lot of time for us. Can you add feature where user can export selected new orders in excel format and then we can mark those orders 'dispatched by other courier'?

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    Thank you for your suggestion. We do not plan to introduce such a feature to Click & Drop.

    Channel Shipper provides all Click & Drop's functionality, plus several significant enhancements, with the output to sheet of despatched by other courier orders on their roadmap for development. 

  20. Untick orders after performing an action

    Hi, Could you make the orders page untick the selected order(s) once an action is performed please? Once we generate a label for an order, we have to untick it before ticking the next order. Normally that's just an annoyance but we've just accidentally deleted 2 orders because the previous one was still ticked. I understand some people may prefer them to stay ticked so maybe you could add an option to set the desired behaviour.

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    Hello and thank you for your suggestion. This feature is designed to expedite the bulk processing of orders. If you are processing a single order at a time there is no need to select the order by its checkbox, making deselecting it unnecessary. Where you have multiple orders selected but wish to deselect them, please use the checkbox control found in the column header.

    Many thanks

    Click & Drop Team 

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