Amend a Future Despatch Date
As a mailing house we often future date orders so we can fulfil the items and print and attach the generated labels. Recently we had 6,000 items packed and ready to despatch but was then informed by our client we could not send the items. However the items would manifest in 2 days time as the future date would be met. There is no option to put items on hold or to add a week or more onto the future date. When i spoke to the help team i was told we would need to re-apply postage and print 6,000 new labels and replace the old ones. A simple amend date or hold item feature would be much easier

Hi, thank you for your suggestion. We are considering ways to improve future despatch handling to allow users to change a future despatch date. We will update the status here when we have this planned for development.
Kind regards
The Click & Drop Team
Andy Warner commented
Actually, even better, DONT auto manifest unless package shown as 'dispatched'
Jarrell commented
Currently, you can only apply planned despatch dates when applying NEW postage details.
This is a problem when you have existing shipping rules that already auto-populate shipping information. This means that you cannot easily bulk-apply a Planned Despatch Date without re-applying postage - very complicated when complex shipping rules have already been set.
I suggest you allow Planned Despatch Dates be applied onto batches (that may already have postage applied), or to allow the setting of Planned Despatch Dates irrespective of the post already having previosly-applied postage.