Click & Drop Desktop Forgets Password
The latest updates to Click & Drop desktop randomly forgets your password when the app starts up.
It may be related to Click & Drop Desktop updating, or Windows updates, however it never used to happen and is very annoying when you rely on the service being on!

Hi, thank you for your message, We will investigate how log in behaviours are working in our new version of desktop and update here in due course. If you find this issue recurring, please contact the help desk so that we can investigate further.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
chillout commented
Can you extend the desktop access token to cover weekends and public holidays e.g. to say a week?At the moment it is too short. My work pc is always on and C&D desktop fails silently on a Monday. It looks fine and says that it is connected to the C&D servers but when I drop files in the folder, the C&D import history shows the file uploading indefinitely.
Here's the log
"info","message":"Trying to refresh access token...","timestamp":"2023-12-04T12:36:18.798Z"}
"warn","message":"Axios error during getting response from p","timestamp":"2023-12-04T12:36:19.005Z"}
"error","message":"Access token has not been refreshed, status: 400 error: undefined","timestamp":"2023-12-04T12:36:19.005Z"}
"Error during request uri:, errorMessage: Request failed with status code 401 | access token expired) | Unauthorized, responseStatus: 401","timestamp":"2023-12-04T12:36:19.005Z"}
"error","message":"Queue uploadOrdersTasks task failed.","taskId":"b8fdba11-92a1-11ee-a3c2-43cf5e731bc8","timestamp":"2023-12-04T12:36:19.006Z"}I would quit and reopen the C&D Desktop every time but it is a pain because for some reason my password isn't remembered by the app.
Also, please show logged out status when the token has expired so we're not looking at a batch in limbo for 10 minutes hoping that it will complete.