IOSS Issues (Personal Account)
Adding IOSS is a real PITA - it seems to have the following issues:
a) Not included on Letter rate packets for some reason (even though when applying postage it shows IOSS as an enhancement).
b) The IOSS number is not automatically inserted when adding items to a manual order - you have to copy and paste it every time
c) If I do NOT enter the IOSS number when adding items, the IOSS icon does not appear on the label and I assume that the information is not sent electronically either.
d) When editing the contents it was at this point I realised that IOSS for letter rate was an issue, as the IOSS box does not appear to update it here. I have not tried entering it at this point for any orders.
I thought IOSS was supposed to be applied automatically -
1) I have added the IOSS number in my trading names page.
2) I have set a maximum value of £135 above which IOSS is not applied
That seems to be all the help suggests to ensure IOSS is automatically added.
However, it is simply not added - what am I missing?
Is it confused because I use 3 trading names (only 2 have an IOSS number)?

Hello and thank you for your suggestions.
IOSS is not currently applicable to letter format shipments.
Please review your customs settings and ensure you have the setting to automatically apply IOSS numbers enabled.
That is correct, if you do not supply an IOSS number, or the order was not imported from a marketplace that has provided their IOSS number for the order, then it will not be shipped under the IOSS scheme.
Peter Reynolds commented
What is the point of having an IOSS setting under "Trading Names" if you then need to go into "Settings > Customs" and click "Automatically apply IOSS number"? It's taken me a couple of years to find this out.
Claire Wrightson commented
I am struggling with all of these issues also. It doesn't make sense not to be able to apply IOSS data to "Letter" packets, I sell small art prints as well as larger options so I have to pay for large letters with those and lose profits, or face additional customs fees that my customers had already paid for when purchasing their item with IOSS.
It does seem as though when you add the IOSS number to trading names that this means it will be automatically added when booking orders, it is a shame it doesn't work this way. If it could be added to the trading name, then automatically applied to any of the postage options available, this would make the most sense and be very usable - it seems like the most common-sense way to go about it but instead it is all just very awkward and non-user-friendly.