Feedback for new Click & Drop page interface
I was sad to see that the old interface will be retiring on 31 Jan as I much prefer that interface when it comes to user friendliness.
May I suggest the following to add to the new interface:
1) add a Country option in columns so that I can sort the orders by Country, this was present in the old interface but not the new one.
2) allow the expanding of further information of an order within the page itself, instead of opening to a new tab. (an expand all button would be great too) I've looked into the settings to see if I can change this but I cannot. The old page had expanding, and it was a lot easier on the eyes. Opening to a new tab makes it more cumbersome to return to the order list and you lose context of the order's positioning within the list.
3) or if we could keep the old page interface as an option it would be nice. I am really sad to see it go as I much prefer that one

Thank you for your feedback. We have introduced a filter in the Customer column allowing you to filter and sort on the 'Country' value.
DJ commented
Absolutely hate the new interface.
The old format was far cleaner and you could see a lot more information without all the scrolling and jumping about the screen
Why is the Channel & Reference field got the big logo in it when it used to be a another column you could hide. The reference on its own is far more important and should be on its on.Im not sure why you bothered to make all these changes when there are more important things like you VAT calculations are still wrong on invoicing compared ot payments 2 years since I first reported it
J S commented
New interface is vastly better. Just learn how to use it.
olimortimer commented
To reiterate, it's awful
Oli Gage-Walker commented
1) Every time I click the tick box next to an order, the page jumps up or down (seemingly no consistency with that either). Keep the page still please.
2) The interface doesn't scale for use on mobile. I use my mobile for everything.
3) Tracking code should be displayed as default. It's currently default OFF.
4) Customer name is one of the most important features.
5) Searching by name or order number is paramount.
6) The tabs features isn't useful.
7) Filters should be default off when displaying the orders list. Option to sort columns by name, order details, date etc is useful.
I feel that this interface has been designed by a coder, and not by someone who might actually use it.
I have opted not to pay by account, and to pay for orders individually, as I don't fancy doing the post office's work AND paying for the privilege. Especially not with a system that is as difficult to use as this one. I'm not going to batch orders, bag them up and label everything (AND be forced to do it within a 24hr time frame).
I pay in advance and drop at a franked mail box.
DAVID ROSS commented
Soooo many problems with the new C&D. It's horrible & so slow to use. Whoever designed it can't use it on a daily basis. Where do I start!!
1) When applying postage there used to be up/down arrows by the weight for incremental change. To remove & retype every weight when a few grams adjustment is required due to RM's accurate weight policy is so time consuming. Bring the arrows back.
2) We have multiple eBay accounts & in the old system they all showed their integration names by hovering the pointer over it so we knew where the order had come from if we needed to go back into the channel. New system seems to be using the Trading Name instead so all eBay accounts display the same name & we have no idea where orders have come from.
3) On the main ORDERS page the Order Value column is in the wrong place. It needs to go between Customer & Product Details column. Easy solution is to make the columns “movable”. You can remove columns & expand them but you need to be able to move their order.
4) You can’t copy the marketplace order number from the main Orders page when you need to go into the channel to check things. You have to click into the order, then click order details, then copy Amazon/eBay/other order number, paste into marketplace. NIGHTMARE when you have to do this many times a day.
5) On main Orders page the Batches button needs to go where the Import Orders button is & vice versa. When applying postage after clicking APPLY button & wanting to go to Batches it’s natural to move the mouse pointer straight up not backwards, ie to the left. It just doesn’t flow & takes more time.
6) Clone Manifested orders option is useful when RM lose a package & a replacement has to be sent to the customer but as RM remove all Amazon details after 30 days it becomes a useless feature for the majority of orders.
Parcel2Go built a new Smart Send system which was awful & we left Parcel2Go because of it & went back to RM. RM has now done the same to C&D!
P2G had to build another Smart Send which is now very good IMHO so perhaps going back to P2G is on the cards & book the RM parcels through there & at least you can pre-load P2G with funds instead of being stuck with Worldpay issues & having to authorise payments all the time.
For the foreign orders they will sadly still have to be put through on the new business C&D, painful.
Please offer the old version again.
olimortimer commented
The new interface is awful, and adds extra time on to each despatch.
We search Click & Drop for the order number of the shipment, and then apply postage, print the label, and copy the tracking number to send to the customer. In the old interface, when you searched for an order, that was the only order you saw until you searched for another, got to order list etc.
With the new interface, as soon as you apply shipping, you are then sent to the list of all orders, where the order you just shipped is amongst them, somewhere. We then have to search again, then OPEN the shipment, to find the tracking number. You can no longer have the tracking number visible on the list of orders.
Do people who redesign these interfaces, actually use them themselves, or get first hand feedback from those who do? I always wonder, because clearly whoever designed this, does not use it day to day.
Sam Clements commented
The new interface is really not good to use. PLEASE put the old one back up.
I really assumed that the UX team behind the site would be monitoring the usage of the original + BETA dashboards (which I imagine would have shown people opting to use the original dashboard) - but this doesn't appear to have happened.
I use this system every day and it really isn't just about getting used to something new - the new UI looks slightly more modern but the usability of the dashboard is just objectively worse in every way.
RonB commented
Dislike this new look
It's too busy and when you sort the columns to put similar things together (a batch) on returning the columns need to be sorted againwish the old one was still available
dukkigifts “Dukkigifts” Dukki Ltd commented
"New and Improved" couldn't be further from what it is. Was this new interface designed by the YTS lad? It's completely un-user friendly. The names of my customers are barely visible, which is quite an important bit of information needed, but the Shopify symbol is massive, which doesn't even need to be visible.
The drop down menu has been moved to the top for some ridiculous reason, when the natural flow of things is to click at the bottom of the screen when you're ready to move to the next step. It feels a bit like they've changed it when it didn't need changing. I really hope enough people complain, so they put it back to how it was. Clearly head office have never heard of the phrase "if it ain't broke, why fix it?" Royal Mail, please listen to your customers, and keep the old version switched on. -
. commented
We need the store postal costs to be added to the BETA, I started a new thread on this. BETA does not show you any upgrade by the customer ?
Al commented
I've been trying to get on board with this new interface for over two weeks and it's just really ******* the eyes. There's useless stuff all over the screen and I just can't see where the improvement is.
Am I missing something?
Sorry guys please can you just keep the old one alive.
Ilse commented
I absolutely agree with all of these points.
In addition, it is also now impossible to copy things like postcodes and order numbers from the main list, so you have to expand every order if you just want to copy an order number to use it somewhere else.
And all that visual clutter, but still no option to alphabetise the list, even though you can print it alphabetically. -
Jazlyn commented
Just adding that I have found the Country sorting option under the Customers tab (didnt realise it was there!) so that's great, but I would still like to continue my feedback about the new tab vs expandable interface, thanks!
Admin @ Lunamise commented
The new interface is very difficult to use - visually it overloads the user with unnecessary graphics (why do I need to see a Royal Mail logo next to every postage method?) and a Country column is absolutely a must-have for me.
Additionally, having the country info beneath each Customer's details (which for some reason also includes the postcode) makes each entry very large and as Jazlyn identifies above, it is cumbersome to have to open a new tab if you want to expand the details of a particular entry. I much prefer the single-line view of the old interface.
I usually don't mind change but these changes don't seem to add anything to the Click & Drop user experience; instead, it's made more challenging visually and requires additional steps to filter out entries (e.g. having to do multiple clicks to filter by country).
It would be great if we could be given the option to continue using the old interface.