107 results found
Delivery reference number for standard services
When you use BPL1 & BPL2 service for large letter, the 2D Barcode number is not displayed on the order page in Click & Drop.
This is always generated when you purchase the label, so I am not sure why this information is not able to be put on the order and then when the manifest is generated, the delivery tracking number is also exported to Amazon/eBay etc
1 voteThank you for your suggestion - Click and Drop will show you the reference number once you have printed the label. Click on the order - On the Black bar - click on the cog wheel on the far right side and tick Tracking number - the barcode number will then appear on your order in red.
Kind regards
Click and Drop Support
Support Adding Additional Shipments to a Collection Booked for Today
Once one collection is booked, let people add additional packages if the postman was still not here.
For example:
I booked a Collection yesterday for 3 packages,
I then sold another 3 items, but the only option is to book another collectionfor the next dayMy postman hasn't been here yet, so he could easily take "tomorrow's" packages, and this way avoid coming here twice. Maybe change the way collections are booked, by Address and not package, like UPS does.
2 votesHello, you can hand any additional items you have to the postman as part of your booked collection.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Tracking: Show a shipment has been 'Collected'
When using the "Book a collection" service, It would be nice if the scan that the postman did on collection would update the tracking status.
18 votes -
Logos on labels
Hi - Would it be possible to now remove the Birmingham 2022 logo from the labels and going forward could this be more of an OPT IN to include on labels rather than it has to be included on labels - some of our clients prefer their logo's on the labels - thank you
1 voteYou can specify the logo you want shown on labels in Settings > Trading Name.
Support Cloning Despatched Orders
Often, a customer returns a despatched item to swap for a different size, etc. It is currently not possible to generate a new label using the name & address details from an existing despatched order. Instead, the label for the replacement item needs to be created from scratch manually. Suggest providing a new option in the drop-down "action" box when looking at a past label order, to create a new label order using the same name, address and contact details.
22 votesCloning of manifested orders is now available as a feature in our beta Manifested Orders Grid. We have a help guide explaining how to clone orders.
Many thanks,
Click & Drop Team
Please include an option to not print the Certificate of Posting for Online Postage
I don't need the Certificate of Posting - I get an email receipt anyway. I do want to print the shipping label on an 4x4 labels on an A4 sheet though. The Certificate prints over & wastes two labels unnecessarily.
1 voteHello, you can enable or disable the printing of the Certificate of Post in your Settings > Label Format
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Importing Store Shipping Method From WooCommerce With Order
We have to select the 'standard' or 'tracked' shipping option for every order.
Am I missing something here, but there must be a way of getting that information automatically imported/transferred over from the WooCommerce order details.
2 votesHi and thank you for your message. I can confirm we do import the Store Shipping Method from WooCommerce. As the service as defined in WooCommerce doesn't correlate to Royal Mail services, you will need to map the store postage method to the particular service you want to apply in C&D using Shipping Rules.
Many thanks,
Click & Drop Team
Whats going on with C+D Add a new Address Book Entry page
I use firefox which is up to date. When i added a new address to the address book in C+D the pop up page which you fill in had a side scroll bar.
Now that is missing.
The only way to get to the "Create new address book entry" button and the "cancel" button at the bottom of the popup page is to set the zoom of the page at 60%. Then the text is so small i can't read it sometimes.
There is a horizontal scroll bar, which scrolls to blank space, and is completely unnecessary as you can…2 votes -
searching and reordering past deliveries
It would be really useful to be able to do a search of past orders (by name or postcode) to bring up past deliveries and to enable quick reordering. There's no option to do this. Also, tracking of parcels should automatically link to the order without having to so a separate track and trace search
3 votesHello,
Thank you for your feedback. Click & Drop has a search function at the top right which will allow you to identify past and present orders.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support
Support Sorting & Filtering Orders by SKU
Add SKU as an option on the orders ready to print page so they can be ordered by SKU. We print in SKU order but it would be very helpful to be able to see and select certain SKUs before printing for picking purposes.
2 votes -
Amazon and eBay Valid Tracking VTR
When manifests are scanned on handover this should automatically generate a handover scan (and upload to each store) for each tracking number associated with the document.
This would save us all a lot of time and money and we could put this issue behind us.
1 voteHi, thanks for your suggestion. Amazon and eBay integrations have their order status updated to despatched once the orders have been manifested. If you are having difficulties with your shipping updates, please contact help desk.
Kind regards
The Click & Drop Team
Option to switch off the Commonwealth Games logo
Option to switch off the Commonwealth Games logo from printing - this new forced addition to Click And Drop is unwelcome:
- it wastes a lot of ink/toner,
- it is distracting on the label, increasing the chances of mis-delivery
- for international customers, very few people care, especially outside of Commonwealth countries
- for international customers, it looks suspicious from a customs' point of view as though there is something in the package that isn't in the e-customs data.
Please add a switch so we can disable it.
3 votesThank you for your suggestion. You can upload your own image in place of the commonwealth games logo.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
More convenient 'End of Day' report
It would be handy to have a concise list of all the orders that have gone out in a day.
Maybe an option to print alongside the manifest?The reports produced by 'Click & Drop' feature every single bit of info possible, and takes many minutes every day to delete enough stuff to fit on a piece of A4!
(your user manual suggests you can edit the columns before producing the CSV, but this is not the case)2 votes -
Send an Item site is too complicated
Site is too complicated. I am a personal customer wanting to send a parcel to a friend. Did I go to a business site? Couldn't understand all the stages. What is a 'Customer'? Is it the person sending or the recipient? It is not clear. No clear idea of what I have ordered until I have paid. Should be somewhere where it states the 'To' and 'From' before I pay.
Even the Feedback page is too complicated.1 voteDear User,
Thank you for your suggestions. We are working on improving our site and your feedback is appreciated.
Kind regards
Etsy Integration - Mark orders as dispatched Feature - Change request
When using this feature, it is marking the orders as dispatched whenever we "print a label", but it would make better sense to mark the order as dispatched once the order has been "added to a manifest" instead as this is when we indicate that an order is going to be dispatched/posted.
For example, we sometimes outsource the "packaging" of some orders to others to do for us. Because they don't have access to our systems or a label printer etc, we would print all the labels to hand over to them along with the orders to package. They…
1 voteDear User,
Thank you for your suggestion. Please review 'Settings / Miscellaneous' and ensure you do not have the option to "Mark order as despatched when label is generated" enabled.
If you continue to encounter difficulties, please contact the Helpdesk.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
IOSS reporting for 'documents'
We sell books, which occasionally are quite heavy. If a book or set is over 2 kg, we cannot use the 'parcel' field on Click & Drop. We have been assured that we can, however, send them as 'documents' as long as no personal correspondence is included.
However, if I select 'documents' the IOSS box in the customs field disappears. I am aware that Click & Drop is not currently set up for IOSS reporting for items marked as 'documents,' but it is necessary for our particular business to be able to do so. Our customers have already paid the…
6 votesHi, we now support the IOSS scheme on Document Format shipments.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Filter IOSS numbers within trading name into customs data on manually created orders
The IOSS number integrated into our trading name doesn't not automatically filter into the customs field on manually created orders. I've verified that the other customs/tax codes within our trading name for Australia, New Zealand, Norway, etc. do get included among the electronic customs data, but the IOSS number has to be manually input each time. Around half of our daily orders have to be created manually as they're from websites not (yet) integrated with Click & Drop, so this would be a huge help for us. Thank you.
1 voteDear User,
Thank you for your suggestion. Click & Drop can automatically apply your trading name IOSS number to manually created orders.
Please review your Default Customs Settings in the Click & Drop platform, ensuring you have:
- Specified a 'GBP cut off level', the value in GBP up to which you use the IOSS scheme.
- Have selected 'Automatically apply IOSS number'.
Once you have configured these settings, your trading name IOSS number will be applied to manually created orders:
- Beneath 150EUR if transacted in EUR.
- Beneath the 'GBP cut off level' defined above, if transacted in GBP.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
Scrolling down the booking page can reduce input weight value
Adding weight to Click & Drop then scrolling down quickly to select service can reduce the desired weight by 1 or 2 grams depending upon how far you scroll down page.
Seems strange but I regularly find you have to click outside the weight box to confirm and set value.
An example - booked Parcel at 995 grams, if I scroll down the value will change to 994 grams.
Just in case anyone else has found same problem.
1 voteDear User,
We cannot reproduce this behaviour. If this behaviour recurs, please contact the help desk.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
Automatically populate SAFE PLACE instructions, or alert as to their presence
Currently - safe place instructions are only realised upon printing the order out, unless each order is viewed individually.
Enable either the safe place instructions to automatically populate or alert the user that they are present for review.1 voteDear User,
thank you for your suggestion. Where a Safe Place message has been supplied for an order from a marketplace supporting SafePlace, you specify a service supporting the same, the instructions will automatically be populated.
We will consider visibility around SafePlace for a future release,
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
Correct the wording on where and when a 24 - 48 Tracked parcel can be dropped off.
The current wording states that 24-48 Tracked and 24-48 Tracked Age Verification can NOT be dropped into a Post Office, it is very specific for those two services, it does not mention 24-48 Tracked Signed For, thus it is misleading and implies that the Signed For service CAN be dropped into a Post Office branch. It should either include ALL services by their exact titles or simply state ALL 24-48 Tracked services.
When this service is chosen it should also offer opening times for the depots where it CAN be dropped in, and show the nearest to your home or…
1 voteHello,
Thank you for your feedback on this issue. We have now resolved this.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support
- Don't see your idea?