92 results found
Support Adding Credit to Accounts to Reduce Card Payments
Have the abililty to pre load the account with funds so that we don't have to authorise a credit card transaction or paypal transaction every time we produce a label
25 votesHi and thank you for your suggestion. We are considering ways to support payments without having to supply your card details for each transaction.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Remove Refunded and Awaiting Refund Labels From Orders Grid
When a postage label is awaiting despatch it can be refunded. This is done when the wrong postage is selected is wrong or the customer cancels their order. The postage label remains at status awaiting refund for a number of days however it remains in the 'orders awaiting despatch' list. You may not want to despatch this order but can accidentally do so in the period it takes for the refund to go through. Could orders awaiting refund not be visible in the 'orders awaiting despatch' list but still be searchable from the drop down lists.
23 votes -
Stop Auto-Filling Customs Description
The customs description "auto looks up" based on commodity code and replaces the description on the labels printed.
However the description against a code is not necessarily the actual contents. For example 9209940000 covers parts and accessories for music equipment described in 9207xxxxxx and it automatically puts "guitar knob" every time on the documents despite me entering an accurate description "Electronic display for music synthesizer".
It means that the package is returned by the destination countries customs agents, due to an inaccurate contents' description.
This behaviour it is not helpful to us; it should only do this if the user…
14 votes -
Pull Shopify Fulfillments for Shopify Subscription renewals
The C&D Shopify integration needs to be updated to pull in shipments for both new Order and Fulfilment events to work with Shopify's new Subscription APIs.
We are using the Shopify subscription APIs on our shop and when a subscription is renewed, Shopify adds a fulfilment to the existing order, they DO NOT create a new order. So none of the subscription renewals are being sent through to Click & Drop.
Would it be possible for you to update your integration to cover this so that you are pulling in the data for both Order events and Fullfillment events in…
13 votesHello, thank you for your suggestion. We will consider if we can support subscription orders from Shopify.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
Add Integration for SquareUp
It would be great if Click and Drop could be integrated with the SquareUp selling platform as at the moment I would have to take orders via one platform and then manually log in to C&D and enter all the order information again by hand which is really time consuming and off putting.
11 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion and feedback. This is not something in plan at current, but we will consider in future developments.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support -
9 votes
Thank you for your suggestion. We plan to introduce a feature to mark orders as despatched upon collection or have otherwise entered the Royal Mail network.
Book a Collection For More Than 10 Items
I send 15-30 parcels each time, and I need to book it in batches of 10. Can you increase the limit please?
It confuses the postie, as the see a few parcels to collect, but there is over 20 I give, as it booked under a different code, so they do not see how may in total they will collect.
9 votes -
Add SafePlace for Collections
Add Safeplace option to collection address
9 votesHello, thank you for your suggestion. We are currently working on improvements to our collections process in C&D including capturing SafePlace for collections.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Don't chage your customers MORE for saving you time and fuel
I think it is ridiculous to be charging 20p extra per parcel when a customer takes their parcels to a post office (which for me is a 3-minute walk to my local shop so if I am going there anyway I may as well drop my package off as well) instead of wasting Royal Mails time and fuel to come to pick them up from me at an unspecified time the next day, which adds an extra day to the delivery time, IF they actually turn up (which in the past they haven't turned up to collect).
7 votes -
Service Total Including VAT Is Sometimes Incorrect
We have noticed that on occasion the price of a service + VAT sums to a 1p more or less than the total.
This has meant we have had to manually reconcile accounts.
7 votes -
Provide an option to report errors
On the top menu have a "report a problem" option. When a system error opccurs it is extremely difficult to inform you about it, you should make it easier for customers to help you. They face a problem, they report the problem immediately, it is logged and you monitor the logs and take action. Your Status Page show everything fine yet I am unable to process payment, I go to down detector and find others have same problem... this should be visible in the site and customers will make life easier for you and visibility of issues makes it easier…
7 votes -
Bulk Proof of Postage Instead of Individual Certificates for Each Parcel
We need bulk facility for click and drop when proof of posting is required. Instead of printing individual certificates for each parcel it would better to print out one certificate listing all the parcels . This could be fine by printing the bulk certificate from the batch history
7 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion and feedback. This is not something in plan at current, but we will consider in future developments.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support -
Ability to Filter the Collections Grid
"My collections" shows a number which are past their collection date, I would like to be able to remove these - especially ones where the associated tracked delivery has been "delivered". (Why can't the system do this already).
I would like to be able to remove or flag as completed the ones which I know have been done so that my outstanding list shows only valid collections.
Additionally, how do I inform someone if I have a collection and no-one has arrived to make that collection, as this is quite frustrating after waiting at home all day.
6 votesHello and thank you for your suggestion. We are working on adding filters to our collections grid, such that you can filter out collections that have been delivered.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Support More Than 1 Collection or More Items
I can only book a single collection for any given day with a maximum of 10 items in a given collection.
It would be convenient if more items could be collected in a single booking, or multiple collections booked for a given day.
6 votes -
Support Permanent Setting To Include Post Office Drop-Off In Price
Please add a setting to pre-tick "Include Post Office drop off in price" for all orders and also include the setting in API and dropbox integration so that we don't need to edit every tracked 24 order imported and then tick the box manually.
5 votes -
Charging The 16p Supplement Charge Separately Causing Issues With Accounts Software Package
This is causing havoc with my accounts package. If I have to pay an extra 16pence, it should be taken off at source, as it is difficult to balance books with an after the fact transaction.
5 votes -
Allow Changing Orders From Despatched to Label Generated
If a user has accidentally moved an order to Despatched, you can no longer book a collection for it.
We batch our collections and purchase these at the end of each day, but if another user has accidentally marked a label as dispatched we cannot add it to the collection for the following day. This means we have to dispatch it using the RM website and as these accounts are not linked, we cannot track this on C&D.
5 votesHello, we have this in plan.
Click & Drop Team
Give customer full transparency on additional fees if a Click&Drop parcel is dropped off
You have a banner on the Click & Drop website telling customers that they will be charged extra if they drop off the parcel at a Post Office. It then says 'for more info, click here' and then there is a list of all the possible questions you could ask. It is not transparent and easy to find the charge. Having spoken to Customer Service today, I am told that I need to report this here at 'user voice' which I knew nothing about, but as she has told me that the additional fee is 20p, why not just state…
4 votes -
Use The Same Login for Click & Drop and UserVoice
Make it easier to provide the user feedback by having the same username and password to log in to both.
4 votes -
Provide VAT Receipts / Credit Notes For Refunds
Accounts teams need a receipt or credit note for refunds and this doesn't seem to currently be available through click and drop.
4 votes
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