309 results found
Add integration for Wix
I’ve noticed almost every other ecommerce store is available to be integrated or something is in the works. If Wix could be added to this list it would be so helpful. Thank you
314 votesHi. We are still continuing to work with Wix to get our integration authorised.
We will post any further updates as soon as we have them. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.Click & Drop support
Merge and Split Orders
Please implement a function to merge and / or split orders.
232 votesThank you for your feedback.
Development of this feature is currently underway - the status of this page will be updated once it is available to users.
Kind regards,
Click & Drop Team
Validate Postcode and Address Match
The system automatically downloads the address from our website but without validating that the postcode matches the address. We get many addresses entered incorrectly by the customer and using the billing address with the different delivery postcode. The postcode and address do not match but Royal Mail is not using any checks or validation to check the postcode and address match. This means I am having to check all addresses one by one to see if they 'look' ok. We get quite a lot that are incorrect but they always got flagged up on DMO when we entered the postcode…
156 votesThank you for your suggestions. We are planning to introduce post town validation to help ensure your order data is as correct as possible.
We will provide further updates as soon as we are able, but we expect this feature to be completed as soon as possible. -
Add intergration for Folksy
Folksy is the UK version of Etsy, there is a lot of sellers on there who also sell on Etsy which you have integrated already. I think lots of Folksy sellers who are on CandD would benefit from this integration.
51 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion and feedback. This is not something in plan at current, but we will consider in future developments.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support -
Display Customer Phone Number On International Shipments
Please add an option to add the customer phone number to the printed shipping label. This is necessary for some of Royal Mail's international delivery partners as they sometimes require the phone number to be visible in order to deliver the package to some locations/buildings.
26 votesHello,
Thank you for your feedback. We are currently working with our International partners to determine what if any phone number should be printed and where it needs to appear.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support -
Support Adding Credit to Accounts to Reduce Card Payments
Have the abililty to pre load the account with funds so that we don't have to authorise a credit card transaction or paypal transaction every time we produce a label
25 votesHi and thank you for your suggestion. We are considering ways to support payments without having to supply your card details for each transaction.
Many thanks
Click & Drop Team
Add integration for Presta Shop
I will like to see integration with Presta shop 1.7 and higher.
25 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion. This is not currently not supported but we will consider this in future developments.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support
Remove Refunded and Awaiting Refund Labels From Orders Grid
When a postage label is awaiting despatch it can be refunded. This is done when the wrong postage is selected is wrong or the customer cancels their order. The postage label remains at status awaiting refund for a number of days however it remains in the 'orders awaiting despatch' list. You may not want to despatch this order but can accidentally do so in the period it takes for the refund to go through. Could orders awaiting refund not be visible in the 'orders awaiting despatch' list but still be searchable from the drop down lists.
23 votes -
Please add the delivered DATE to the manifested orders status column.
At the moment, the tracking status for delivered items just shows as 'delivered', but it does not show the actual delivered date.
This would be so useful for an overview and finding out delivered date results for things like ebay cases.
22 votesThank you for your suggestion. We will consider this of future development.
Update Tracked 24/48 to collected when Business Collection takes place
Royal Mail Tracked is not tracked when the driver collects. Please can you update the tracking using the manifest when collected not when the packet gets to the super hub the next day?
It was impemented for personal customers last year: class post tracking is fine and shows the following message when the driver collects:
"An update will only be provided when we attempt to deliver your item"But Tracked 24/48 shows this message until the next day or later on Royal Mail tracking:
"We're expecting it
The sender has advised they have despatched your item to Royal…15 votes -
Retain Weight as Imported when Applying Postage in Bulk
There is no way at all to bulk assign postage and retain the weight specified by Shopify for each order.
I would love it if we could simply select all our orders of any one package format, go to Apply Postage and for there to be a tick box that enables it so all the weights already assigned to the orders are used, instead of inputting one weight for all the parcels.
We also need a method of assigning the weight to orders before Applying Postage for manually created orders
15 votesHello, thank you for your suggestion. We have improvements in plan to provide accurate weights for each parcel when applying postage in bulk.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
Stop Auto-Filling Customs Description
The customs description "auto looks up" based on commodity code and replaces the description on the labels printed.
However the description against a code is not necessarily the actual contents. For example 9209940000 covers parts and accessories for music equipment described in 9207xxxxxx and it automatically puts "guitar knob" every time on the documents despite me entering an accurate description "Electronic display for music synthesizer".
It means that the package is returned by the destination countries customs agents, due to an inaccurate contents' description.
This behaviour it is not helpful to us; it should only do this if the user…
14 votes -
Pull Shopify Fulfillments for Shopify Subscription renewals
The C&D Shopify integration needs to be updated to pull in shipments for both new Order and Fulfilment events to work with Shopify's new Subscription APIs.
We are using the Shopify subscription APIs on our shop and when a subscription is renewed, Shopify adds a fulfilment to the existing order, they DO NOT create a new order. So none of the subscription renewals are being sent through to Click & Drop.
Would it be possible for you to update your integration to cover this so that you are pulling in the data for both Order events and Fullfillment events in…
13 votesHello, thank you for your suggestion. We will consider if we can support subscription orders from Shopify.
Kind regards
Click & Drop Team
Greater Control Over Print Layout & Order
I would like to print the postage label and CN22 customs next to each other so utilizing A4 - 2 per sheet Self-adhesive labels. At present to print 4 labels and 4 CN22 it takes 8 sheets, these could be but on 2 sheets. More control to print maybe print label, CN22, and proof of delivery on one page.
13 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion and feedback. This is not something in plan at current, but we will consider in future developments.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support -
Make it easier to find out how much one has been charged for each item
It is far too difficult to find out how much one has actually been charged for an item. If it is on the system at all it is not easy to find.
It is very frustrating12 votes -
Amend a Future Despatch Date
As a mailing house we often future date orders so we can fulfil the items and print and attach the generated labels. Recently we had 6,000 items packed and ready to despatch but was then informed by our client we could not send the items. However the items would manifest in 2 days time as the future date would be met. There is no option to put items on hold or to add a week or more onto the future date. When i spoke to the help team i was told we would need to re-apply postage and print 6,000…
12 votesHi, thank you for your suggestion. We are considering ways to improve future despatch handling to allow users to change a future despatch date. We will update the status here when we have this planned for development.
Kind regards
The Click & Drop Team
Add Integration for SquareUp
It would be great if Click and Drop could be integrated with the SquareUp selling platform as at the moment I would have to take orders via one platform and then manually log in to C&D and enter all the order information again by hand which is really time consuming and off putting.
11 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion and feedback. This is not something in plan at current, but we will consider in future developments.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support -
CN22 for BFPO
All BFPO require a CN22. Also in order to get the correct postage customers need to use the BF1 Postcode rather than the BFPO. BF1 and BFPO are classed as UK addresses, All BF1 postcodes and BFPO should automatically generate a CN22 like overseas addresses do.
10 votesThanks for your suggestion. We are making changes to support the generation of CN documents for BFPO addresses, we will update the status here when we begin to implement this feature.
Kind regards,
The Click & Drop Team
Show a Manifest Summary Before Submitting Manifest
When Manifesting at the end of the day, prior to committing to the manifest, can you pop a box up giving a table including the average weight for each product code that will be submitted to OBA. This will allow us to double check we are within our weight bands for costing purposes and allows us to adjust orders at the last minute. for example, to switch items from 2nd to 1st, if 1st is just over the 2kg average.
10 votesHello,
Thank you for your suggestion and feedback. This is not something in plan at current, but we will consider in future developments.
Kind Regards,
Click & Drop Support -
9 votes
Thank you for your suggestion. We plan to introduce a feature to mark orders as despatched upon collection or have otherwise entered the Royal Mail network.
- Don't see your idea?